Currently, we don't accept new submissions. Please follow our site and social media for the updates.
Submission form
- Writers and artists may be of any origin but should live and work in Central and Eastern Europe, including the Baltic States, Germany/Austria/Switzerland, and the South Caucasus. We prefer submissions that reflect the environment in which they are written.
- If you don't live in the region, but have written a piece related to Central and Eastern Europe, feel free to submit it. PLEASE NOTE: If you don't live in the region and don't write about the region, Panel is not a good fit for your piece.
- If we want to publish your piece, we will get back to you within 30-60 days. Art submissions may take up to 3 months as the shortlist is formed not earlier than 1 month before the release. If you don’t hear from us within this period of time, you're welcome to query us for the status of your piece. We'll get back to you as soon as we are able.
- Panel is published twice a year.
- We don't charge for reading, but we strongly recommend to read Panel before submitting to us. You can purchase Panel in our online shop.
- Txt, doc, docx (NO PDF, please) files up to 4500 words - for prose, poetry and nonfiction submissions. One story or 5 poems per time. For visual art submissions - jpg files up to 4 pieces per time 10MB.
- PLEASE FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES. Submissions that don't meet formal requirements, won't be considered.
- You can read all about author rights under our Terms and Conditions.
- Panel is an independent edition. Feel welcome to support our work and activities by donating to us.