Panel Literature Association (Panel Irodalmi Egyesület) is a public benefit non-profit organization, registered in Hungary since 2019. Among other things, we aim to build and maintain a community of creative-minded people from Eastern and Central Europe, to represent and promote contemporary literature and arts, to provide support for initiatives in Hungary and beyond, and to promote Budapest as a cultural center of the region.

Panel Literature Magazine is published by Panel Literature Association.


The key activities of Panel Literature Association include:

  • representing and promoting contemporary Hungarian literature and arts
  • hosting events of cultural matter, such as literary readings, panel discussions, exhibitions and meetings
  • maintaining traditions of quality literary magazines and books and publishing such editions
  • demonstrating the power of the arts to enrich the lives of individuals and make positive changes in communities.
  • promoting international and intercultural exchange and cooperation in the cultural sphere.

Public benefit activity and public functions defined in the following statutory provisions:

  • research and development and innovation activities [2014. LXXVI. Act on Scientific Research, Development and Innovation Section 2 c) and g)
  • supporting the activities of community cultural traditions and values, the activities of communities organized in culture and social life, and the realization of the cultural goals of improving the lifestyle of the population [1991. XX. Act on the Functions and Competencies of Local Authorities and their Bodies, Representatives of the Republic and Certain Central Subordinate Bodies Article 121 (a)]
  • cultural service, local protection of the cultural heritage, support to local public cultural activities [2011. year CLXXXIX. Act on Local Self-Government of Hungary Section 13 (1) (7)
  • protection of the key cultural heritage [2011. year CLXXXIX. TV. On local government in Hungary Section 23 (4) 17.]
  • promotion of local public cultural activities, local protection of the cultural heritage [2011. year CLXXXIX. TV. On Local Self-Government in Hungary Section 23 (5) (13)
  • protection of the cultural heritage [2001. LXIV. TV. protection of the cultural heritage Article 5 (1)]

In 2023:

  • we released issue #10 and issue #11 of Panel;
  • we celebrated a 5 year milestone of the Panel Literature Association; 
  • we hosted a "Legend of Ethereal Budapest" festival at Szimpla (November 2023);
  • we welcomed new members of our association.

Plans for the year of 2024 include:

  • getting a public benefit status for the association;
  • releasing a book of interviews and essays "Narratives of Budapest" with a focus on an independent art and cultural scene of Budapest, and reflections on the past and present of the city; 
  • releasing a special "The Best of Panel" issue; 
  • hosting an art show; 
  • introducing regular book publishing as a new sphere of activity within the Panel Literature Association. 

Panel Literature Association was registered in Hungary as a non-profit organization on January 31, 2019

with a registration number 01-02-0017085.

If you feel like you want to take part in our activities or to be a part of our team, feel free to email us via

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