Exhibition “15”
Panel magazine
Painters Palace
Vad Art
Jancsó Art Gallery
are happy to invite you all to the exhibition “15” opening. The opening will take place on March 22nd, 7 pm, at Kazinczy street, 30. The exhibition “15” is aimed to present and honor the best artworks, that have been submitted to the art contest held earlier this winter. The winners of the contest get the cover of the next issue of Panel magazine (1st place) and their art illustrating the major pieces in the upcoming magazine issue (2nd and 3rd place). Along with the prizewinners works, the exhibition includes the runners up. All participants will have their works displayed in the gallery for two weeks.
Spoiler alert: the art works included in the exhibition show the diversity and artistic power of Budapest and the region.
Come along if you'd like to know:
- how it was to hold a local art competition and who the winners are
- what Jancso Art Gallery is and what they have to offer for art lovers and art doers
- about Panel next issue and the local art scene
Music, wine, snacks, talks are a nice bonus to what's said above.
The participants of the exhibition are as following:
Lyuda Martynova (the cover)
Sandor Sipos (the main fiction piece)
Gergo Bankuti (the main fiction piece)
Bödok Vrábel Tünde
Anissa Casarella
Eszter Fruzsina (out of the competition, special guest)
Bill Wolak
Marica Toth
Theresa Volpp
Nikolett Nagy
Adam Dora
Wayne Brett
Laukó Magdolna
E. A. D. Sellors
Ariella Pinter (out of the competition, special guest)
All art works are available for purchase.
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