We are accepting submissions for a new, special issue of Panel Magazine!
The theme for this issue will be 'LANGUAGE'.
We look forward to reading your fiction, poetry or creative non-fiction pieces, within a 4,000-word limit. We are also accepting visual art pieces related to the theme.
Please submit your works via this form on our website by March 15, 2025.
You may have noticed that it has been a while since we released a new Panel issue. For various reasons, we needed to put our beloved magazine on hiatus. We took this time to readjust, and have made some decisions:
- Panel will be found primarily online, with a very limited number of printed copies.
- The online editions will be free to download.
- We introduce a 3 EUR\1200 HUF reading fee that will allow us to cover production costs.
- If there is a demand for more printed copies, we will print more on a pre-order basis.
- Launches of new Panel issues will be held as usual – in person, with readings and good cheer.
We want to do whatever we can to keep Panel going. If our new format works, then Panel will return with periodic editions.
In the meantime, submit to Panel! We are so excited to see what you have to say about our theme, in whatever way you have to say it.
If you have questions related to the submission process, please contact us.
With our warmest regards,
the PANEL team
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